Baruipur College

Baruipur College

Recognized by UGC under 2(f) & 12(B)
Affiliated to University of Calcutta

Baruipur College

About the Department

The department of History started its journey was back in 1981 with the establishment of the College. The Course was introduced from 1981. Presently the department has 75 seats for honours Course and there are more than 1200 students enrolled in the General course. This department deals with different branches of History Ancient, Medieval and Modern following the UG Syllabus of the University of Calcutta. Organization of departmental seminar and quiz, publication of wall magazine, organization of programs aiming towards cultivation of History culture and close interaction among teachers and students are the prime features of History department. The students are encouraged to cultivate their creative and literary talents through various projects, interactive sessions and short programmes. The department also regularly organizes UGC sponsored National Seminars and Workshops. Some of the faculty members are actively engaged in research work and regularly participate in National and International conferences and seminars related to History literature and culture.


Dr. Debashis Majumder department of History, Baruipur College

Dr. Debashis Majumder
Designation: Assistant Professor
Qualification: M.A., B.Ed., M.Phil, Ph.D.
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Dr. Saswati Dutta department fo History, Baruipur College

Dr. Dipankar Biswas
Designation: Assistant Professor
Qualification: M.A.,
B.Ed., M.Phil, Ph.D.
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Sayan Debnath department fo History, Baruipur College

Sayan Debnath
Designation: S.A.C.T.-I
Qualification: M.A., M.Phil
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    Infrastructural Facilities

  1. The department has a separate seminar library for the benefit of the students, with a significant number of books being added every year.
  2. The smart classroom, with digital projection system and touch-enabled smart-board is used for digitally enhanced teaching and learning practices.

    Teaching Methods

  1. Classroom lecture
  2. Tutorial classes
  3. Students seminar and group discussion
  4. Power point presentation (ppt)
  5. Project work
  6. Special lectures by eminent academicians
  7. Audio visual screening

    Special Activities

  1. The department publishes a wall-magazine occasionally, which is planned, edited, and designed by the History Honours and General students.
  2. The students of the department also regularly participate in the district level youth parliament competition.
  3. The students also take active part in the national service scheme (nss) of baruipur college, which have won several awards.

    Activities of the Department

  1. The students also participate in seminars and workshops organized by different institutions to be aware of the latest academic and technical issues related to different branches of History.
  2. Students participate in sports and cultural activities organized by the college.
  3. The department has also organized a number of ugc sponsored national seminar on various aspects of bengali literature and culture.
  4. The department looking forward to organize teachers’ exchange programs in collaboration with other educational institute.

    Job Prospect

  1. Many students pursue higher studies and complete their post-graduation.
  2. A number of students are employed in school service commission and seat for national eligibility test for applying in college service commission.
  3. Many students' of our department are presently serving in various government and private sectors such as banking, healthcare, media and marketing.