Institutional Preparedness for NEP In keeping with the spirit of NEP 2020 the college endeavours to lay emphasis on multidisciplinary/ interdisciplinary mode of education. Our college strictly adheres to the syllabus designed by the affiliating university – The University of Calcutta following the guidelines of NEP. All UG programmes allow the students to opt for the subjects/courses of their choice. For doing away with the discipline specific subject stipulations, the college has created a large pool of subjects from which the students are free to pick up the subjects of their own choice. There are Interdisciplinary Courses (IDC) and Multidisciplinary Courses (MDC) for the students pursuing both 4 Year Major and 3 Year Minor Courses. Apart from the IDC and MDC there are Discipline Specific Core Course (DSCC) and Skill Enhancement Course (SEC). The Tutorial Term papers (1 credit for each course) equip the students with several learning skill, like comprehension, application, assimilation etc. The Summer Internship programmes, compulsory for every single student, acquaint them with different career options and train them with profession specific basic requirements. Baruipur College is affiliated to the University of Calcutta and follows the syllabus designed by the university. Although, the University of Calcutta is yet to come out with a well-defined framework of Academic bank of Credits (ABC) the syllabus is premised upon credit earning system for each student. Every single course appraised in this syllabus is measured on the basis of credit score. For facilitating better comprehension of the system, the college organizes orientation workshops for the students. They are acquainted with the structures of the courses. Usually, the courses are divided into theory part and tutorial part. The theory part consists of 3credits (1 credit = 25 marks) and the tutorial part consists of 1 credit. The Academic Bank of Credits (ABC) allows multiple exit points to the students during their UG level studies. Each year of study after admission is divided into 2 semesters. Accordingly, a student desirous to leave the college after the first year of study with the credit score earned from the first 2 semesters, will be considered as having completed a Certificate Course, provided the student completes the Summer Internship of 3credit. Similarly, the students desirous to leave after the 2nd and 3rd year of their study will be treated as having completed the Diploma and the Graduation Courses respectively. The students with major subjects are allowed to pursue 4 Year Degree Course with or without Research. The credits earned by the students in this system (ABC) are planned to be stored digitally in the repository of the University of Calcutta. Following the modalities of NEP 2020 the University of Calcutta has introduced Skill Enhancement Course (SEC) in all subjects. These courses are designed in such a manner that they equip the students with relevant skills in alignment with the knowledge acquired from a particular subject/course. Apart from this, the college also regularly organizes seminars and workshops for developing the soft skills of the students. Different organizations, entrepreneurs are invited to conduct these programmes. The teachers of the college also impart lessons with an eye to develop the students’ skills necessary for their future endeavours. Few such skill enhancement seminars/workshops are – Conducting Field Survey, Workshop on Entrepreneurship, Training for careers in IT, Hands-on workshop on media production, Certificate Course on Yoga, Certificate Course on Artificial Intelligence. Apart from these the college also encourages the students to pursue various skill-oriented courses available on SWAYAM and NPTEL so that they can be better prepared the skills required for their future lives. However, since the mentioned courses are available either in English or in Hindi, hence the students could not pursue the courses effectively as they are more comfortable in Bengali. The college strives on its rootedness in Indian culture and heritage. The students here learn to respect the vast glory of the country since time immemorial. While the students are encouraged to learn English, they still realize the uncontested status of their mother tongue. The teachers, most of the times deliver their lectures in Bengali. Bengali is there as a subject both for Major and Minor courses of studies. Sanskrit is taught for 3 year Degree Course. Our Philosophy department lays emphasis on Indian Philosophical Thoughts, including Vedas, Upanishands, Charvaka, Buddhism, Jainism etc. The college also offers a Certificate Course on Indian Knowledge System to help the students get more acquainted with the ancient of knowledge of Indian along with their future perspectives. Besides, the college also organizes different programmes round the year which allows all the students of the college to get acquainted with the mores of Indian Knowledge System. We celebrate International Mother Language Day, Yoga Day etc. to help the students get better integrated with this system. The college always caters to the need of the students for their future endeavour. We believe that education is for the students, by the students and of the students. Although the college strictly adheres to the syllabus of the affiliating university – the University of Calcutta, we always try to pay attention to the future need of the students following the spirit of Outcome-based Education (OBE). The teachers keep in mind the course objectives and expected learning outcome while imparting lessons within the four walls of the classrooms. At the same time, the students are brought out of the confines of the class rooms as and when necessary to acquaint them with the larger spectrum of life. The students participate in field survey, visit old age home and homes for the children with special needs, participate in cleanliness drive etc. Several programs, as part of co-curricular activities are also encouraged by the college, so that the students can match their theoretical knowledge with real life situations. The students of the college are already used to the system of online education right from the days of Covid 19. But the college has not done away with the online system even during this post pandemic time. Following the guidelines of the NEP 2020 the college continues with its emphasis on blended mode of studies. The teachers conduct classes on Google Meet platform, particularly when the students require additional classes. The students are also provided with YouTube video links to encourage them in blended mode of learning. The college also runs a study centre of Netaji Subhas Open University (NSOU) within its campus. One of the teachers of the college acts as the coordinator of this study centre. Since Baruipur College is an undergraduate degree college, many of the students after completing their graduation get admitted at NSOU through this study centre for pursuing their Post Graduation. The centre also caters to the need of the students and professionals from the surrounding areas. |